Mrs. Parker and the Vicious Circle 1994

Drama Biography

Dorothy Parker remembers the heyday of the Algonquin Round Table, a circle of friends whose barbed wit, like hers, was fueled by alcohol and flirted with despair.

Alle Titel
  • US: Mrs. Parker and the Vicious Circle Mrs. Parker and the Vicious Circle
  • AR: La Sra. Parker La Sra. Parker
  • BR: O Círculo do Vício O Círculo do Vício
  • BG: Мисис Паркър и порочния кръг Мисис Паркър и порочния кръг
  • CA: Mme Parker et le cercle vicieux Mme Parker et le cercle vicieux
  • CA: Mrs. Parker and Mr. Benchley Mrs. Parker and Mr. Benchley
  • US: Paní Parkerová a zacarovaný kruh Paní Parkerová a zacarovaný kruh
  • FI: Pienet piirit Pienet piirit
  • FR: Mrs Parker et le cercle vicieux Mrs Parker et le cercle vicieux
  • DE: Mrs. Parker und ihr lasterhafter Kreis Mrs. Parker und ihr lasterhafter Kreis
  • GR: O favlos kyklos tis kyrias Parker O favlos kyklos tis kyrias Parker
  • GR: Ο φαύλος κύκλος της κύριας Πάρκερ Ο φαύλος κύκλος της κύριας Πάρκερ
  • HU: Mrs. Parker és az ördögi kör Mrs. Parker és az ördögi kör
  • IT: Mrs. Parker e il circolo vizioso Mrs. Parker e il circolo vizioso
  • JP: ミセス・パーカー ジャズエイジの華 ミセス・パーカー ジャズエイジの華
  • PL: Pani Parker i krąg jej przyjaciół Pani Parker i krąg jej przyjaciół
  • PT: A Senhora Parker e o Círculo do Vício A Senhora Parker e o Círculo do Vício
  • RO: Cercul vicios al doamnei Parker Cercul vicios al doamnei Parker
  • RU: Миссис Паркер и порочный круг Миссис Паркер и порочный круг
  • RS: Gospođa Parker i začarani krug Gospođa Parker i začarani krug
  • ES: La Sra. Parker y el círculo vicioso La Sra. Parker y el círculo vicioso
  • SE: Mrs. Parker och den onda cirkeln Mrs. Parker och den onda cirkeln
  • TW: 派克夫人的情人 派克夫人的情人
  • UA: Mrs. Parker and the Vicious Circle Mrs. Parker and the Vicious Circle
  • US: Mrs. Parker and Mr. Benchley Mrs. Parker and Mr. Benchley
  • US: Mrs. Parker and the Vicious Circle Mrs. Parker and the Vicious Circle
  • US: Mrs. Parker & the Vicious Circle Mrs. Parker & the Vicious Circle
  • US: Mrs Parker & the Vicious Circle Mrs Parker & the Vicious Circle
  • US: Dorothy Parker and the Vicious Circle Dorothy Parker and the Vicious Circle
  • US: Dorothy Parker & the Vicious Circle Dorothy Parker & the Vicious Circle
  • US: Mrs Parker and the Vicious Circle Mrs Parker and the Vicious Circle
  • US: Mrs Dorothy Parker and the Vicious Circle Mrs Dorothy Parker and the Vicious Circle
  • US: Mrs. Dorothy Parker and the Vicious Circle Mrs. Dorothy Parker and the Vicious Circle
  • US: Mrs Dorothy Parker & the Vicious Circle Mrs Dorothy Parker & the Vicious Circle
  • US: Mrs. Dorothy Parker & the Vicious Circle Mrs. Dorothy Parker & the Vicious Circle
Release 23 Nov 1994
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